About Us


Family ties, whether by blood or not, connect people in a way that is neither explainable, nor severable. Common Roots was formed out of the natural harmonies and dissonances that occur in the bond between a brother and a sister. In this case, that bond manifests in the music that we create together. From our first self-made album, "Going Up", to our adventures with other musicians in Aisle 24, our musical journey was a discovery of ourselves.

Our Common Roots are about the things in life that tie us together. Not just the familial relationship we share, but the important themes of life: love, sorrow, the search for something better... We hope that you can see yourself in the Common Roots that we share, and through our music, we can find a way to grow closer together.

We are the proud recipients of the Arkansas Country Music Awards 2024 Acoustic Artist of the Year Award!

Our single "Falling for You" is now available on all streaming services!

New T-Shirts are IN!

Our single "Can't Let Go" is now available on all streaming services!


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